May 27, 2008

Installation of OpenBiblio using EasyPHP

OpenBiblio is an easy to use, open source automated library system written in PHP licensed under GNU General Public License (GPL). It has essential functional modules like OPAC, circulation, cataloging, and staff administration only, therefore suitable for the automation of libraries with small collection. Features of OpenBiblio are easy installation procedures, simple and neat user interface. It supports MARC importing and advanced features are still under development. You can find more about OpenBiblio here . Software requirements for OpenBiblio are MySQL database, Apache web server and PHP programming language. Normal installation and maintenance of database and web server may feel difficult to common people. I hope this document can ease the installation of OpenBiblio in Windows environment.

Click here to View

Apr 7, 2008


"TextCite is a program for organizing and commenting textual citations from texts (books, articles, or other published works) for use in producing scientific or academic publications. You can organize by publication, author, category, or outline. It works with bibliographic management programs like Citation, EndNote, RefWorks, and BibTeX, providing important text/citation management capabilities that these programs lack, while still allowing for rapid footnote and bibliography generation by means of your favorite bibliography manager. It also exports to PDF and Word (RTF)."

Link to TextCite:

Jan 27, 2008

Open Students

A new blog for students about open access to research. Open Students is proudly sponsored by SPARC, the Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition, as part of its student outreach activities.

Jan 7, 2008

Awareness Watch™ Newsletter

Awareness Watch™ monthly newsletter is a website written and produced by Marcus P. Zillman, M.S., A.M.H.A.; Internet expert, author, keynote speaker, and consultant. Awareness Watch™ Newsletter is a free monthly publication that highlights the latest resources and sites on the Internet pertaining to current awareness happenings, new and reviewed sources for research and search, knowledge discovery, data mining and related updates and alerts. Each newsletter will focus on sites specializing in new topical content for specific research sources that will aid the professional, entrepreneur, student and the layperson to maximize their ability to stay current and obtain the latest research and search information resources on the Internet.

Latest issue of Awareness Watch Newsletter Highlighting Knowledge Discovery Resources 2008 available in Internet.

Jan 3, 2008

Google Knol

Google going to launch a Wikipedia like collaberative knowledge repository. They hope that this project will help to record and share knowledge possess by community.
More about Google knol project click Here


CiteULike is a free book marking service to help you to store, organise and share the scholarly papers you are reading. When you see a paper on the web that interests you, you can click one button and have it added to your personal library. CiteULike automatically extracts the citation details, so there's no need to type them in yourself. Users can input a detailed description of scholarly papers. It all works from within your web browser so there's no need to install any software. Because your library is stored on the server, you can access it from any computer with an Internet connection.